Friday, February 12, 2010

The one where I make a fool of myself.

So we had a potential client visiting my office today. We're a pretty small company, and normally only interviews and salespeople come into our office. So this was a pretty big deal. I'm not high up or anything, so I wasn't supposed to be talking with them directly. Mainly, I just take customer support calls. But this company is like, uber paranoid about customer support, so they wanted to stand in my cube and listen to me take calls, and have me explain some typical calls we get.

Listen, I did a badass job at it. Chatted up the system, was friendly, all that happy sales-y horseshit. I was even wearing a suit jacket, which I haven't done since my job interview three years ago.

Unfortunately, after they left my cube, I looked down and realized my button down shirt had burst open due to my massive breasts (HA) and since they were standing up while I was sitting, they had a clear view down my tank top to my shiny blue bra.

Story of my life. Okay, no, not really, but I'm generally klutzy and make awkward comments and weird social faux paus. It's awesome.

That is all.

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