Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful

I know this isn't going to earn me any sympathy. It never has.
But I don't get zits.

And I do absolutely nothing to prevent them. I don't moisturize, or use face masks, or even wash my face. Every once in a while, I think I should start using that crap. Maybe it could make me prettier or whatever the commercials say. But I'm too lazy. I'm pretty sure I had some trouble with my T Zone during that whole puberty fiasco, but other than the occasional pimple, I have awesome skin.

But the thing is, since it almost never happens, when I DO get zits, it's like the fucking apocalypse on my face. I HATE it. Hideous red splotchy things. I'd feel bad for all you poor bastards with acne, but I'm freaking out over here.

And most of the time when I get zits, they are in SUPER OBVIOUS places. Right now, I have two on my forehead. One over each eye. Those plus my glasses make me some kind of six eyed weirdo. I'd take a picture, but I'm too hideous. Here's an approximation:



All right, confession. I wrote this like, a week ago, and when I woke up the next morning, my zits we gone. I know. My life is tough.

Also, although most people in the world will say that I look nothing like Evangeline Lilly one of those celebrety face matching thingymabobbers once said I did 'cause we both had side parts. Suck it, World.

Oh, and I realized last night for like the thousandth time that I'm a huge dork when I compared the Lost story arc to Harry Potter. But it's legit. For reals.

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