Tuesday, March 23, 2010

La post nasal drip

I used to think I was one of those people who never got sick. Or when I did get sick, it was with horrible, possibly life-long conditions like a spinal tumor or Grave's Disease. (True story)

But the past month or so has definitely proven that I'm as suscepitble to nasty colds and sicknesses as any one else. On Valentine's Day I was puking my brains out, last weekend was the horrible cold, and now, I have NO VOICE.

It's very frustrating because I essentially never shut up. I think people around me appreciate it though.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Beastie girl

I've decided that most of personality can be summed up by two sixth grade yearbook signatures:

Beast, have a good summer.


Do you think you read enough?

I'm a geeky Beast, and I embrace that.

Weirdly enough, I recently saw that Beast guy is on facebook. I'd friend him, but there's a reason he called me Beast, and I'm pretty sure it's 'cause I was a bitch. And possibly caused him to bleed. And chased him around the playground with flowers because he was allerigic to pollen.

Ah, childhood.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful

I know this isn't going to earn me any sympathy. It never has.
But I don't get zits.

And I do absolutely nothing to prevent them. I don't moisturize, or use face masks, or even wash my face. Every once in a while, I think I should start using that crap. Maybe it could make me prettier or whatever the commercials say. But I'm too lazy. I'm pretty sure I had some trouble with my T Zone during that whole puberty fiasco, but other than the occasional pimple, I have awesome skin.

But the thing is, since it almost never happens, when I DO get zits, it's like the fucking apocalypse on my face. I HATE it. Hideous red splotchy things. I'd feel bad for all you poor bastards with acne, but I'm freaking out over here.

And most of the time when I get zits, they are in SUPER OBVIOUS places. Right now, I have two on my forehead. One over each eye. Those plus my glasses make me some kind of six eyed weirdo. I'd take a picture, but I'm too hideous. Here's an approximation:



All right, confession. I wrote this like, a week ago, and when I woke up the next morning, my zits we gone. I know. My life is tough.

Also, although most people in the world will say that I look nothing like Evangeline Lilly one of those celebrety face matching thingymabobbers once said I did 'cause we both had side parts. Suck it, World.

Oh, and I realized last night for like the thousandth time that I'm a huge dork when I compared the Lost story arc to Harry Potter. But it's legit. For reals.